Chemical injection
We have a history of delivering reliable, cost-effective land remediation
our ability to ensure safe, award winning land remediation for some of the country's biggest operators has never faltered.
The process of chemical Injection is ever evolving and includes a growing number of treatments. The pressurised application of selected chemicals directly into target areas, without the need for disruptive surface civils, makes it an extremely effective treatment.

We are chemical Injection specialists. With the application of a wide range of compounds, selected specifically to perform oxidation or reduction reactions in the subsurface, we team can break down key contaminants rapidly into harmless by-products. Injection through fixed well points, or by direct push drilling, allows precise targeting of treatment areas.
With no permanently installed plant onsite and treatment programmes taking three to six months, this approach typically provides the fastest means of in situ remediation. This, paired with our 20 years of experience in land remediation, ensures a cost-effective and efficient service every time.
Read our case studies
Trafford: Tar Stabilisation and Chemical Oxidation
Historical infilling of a river channel with refinery wastes presented serious obstacles to the successful regeneration of a former industrial facility and gasworks site. The site was underlain by a thick 3M layer of acid tar, an extremely hazardous contaminant. As well as preventing commercial evolution of the site, regulators were concerned these refinery wastes posed a serious issue to a nearby watercourse. Left untreated, contamination could significantly degrade the surrounding aquatic environment, causing lasting harm.
A remediation strategy was quickly designed by our team. Here we aimed to stabilise the tars, encapsulating severely contaminated soils. As well as encapsulating the soil, stabilising the soil in this way allowed the soil quality to recover, enabling it to be used as a base for the foundations of a new development. For us, it is essential that our clients, consultants and regulators are confident in our work - work which often lays the safe foundations for the development of sites.
That is why here we worked with a specialist geochemist to produce a design we could place 100% confidence in.
Our phased treatment ensured that development could commence in key areas within 3 months. Within just 6 months all remedial objectives had been achieved, saving the client around £1.8 million. Through the reuse of material, accumulated throughout the project, our work was efficient and cost-effective for the client. By ensuring that less toxic soil ends up in landfill, being reused by our client’s customers instead, our work demonstrates projects can be both cost efficient and socially positive.
Anglesey: Dual Phase Vacuum Extraction and Chemical Oxidation
Decades of heavy industrial activity on a former aluminium site in Anglesey left a legacy of significant contamination. Diesel leaks from underground tanks, oil spills from industrial compressors and fire damage incidents leading to transformer oil spills left the site in need of immediate attention.
Who we work with